Thursday, 24 October 2013

Day 11: Plate of meat anyone?

Short and sweet today I'm afraid, partly because today wasn't a vey exciting day, but mostly because I have some studying to do before a test I have on Saturday. Which, luckily for me, means a cheeky little trip to Osaka! Which I have decided means I will try to branch out and have some special Osaka ramen. More on that on Saturday though. I have to check out my fellow ramen bloggers (Thats right, ramen is a big thing, I'm not the only crazy one) and make a decision.

Feel free to check them out: Friends in Ramen and Ramen Adventures.

Osaka is also one of my favourite cities in Japan, its got all the buzz of Tokyo but its not got the typical capital city glare. (Yup buzz and glare, two descriptive but totally non-descriptive words)

As I have little to talk about lets get down to the ramen! Or more specifically this beauty:

A plate of meat, exactly what I needed to keep me going through a dull thursday
That is one of the 3, yes 3, plates of meat you can order here. I showed you before my personal favourite the pork and fermented spicy cabbage (again, its so much better than it sounds). This one is 豚しゃぶ (Buta-shabu), it is thinly sliced pork that is boiled. It was so good! The dressing was a sweet chilli sauce. My only complaint was that the meat was cold but that aside it was super tender and delicious.

After I ordered it the chef came and asked if i wanted big or small. If you know anything about me, I of course went for the big, the chef gave a knowing and nod. So lets put this bad boy into some perspective eh?

I don't care who you ask, thats a big plate of meat!

To go with it I got the egg ramen, a great choice, less meat (but I wasn't exactly lacking today) but an egg, a wonderful softboiled egg tat i think has been boiled in soysauce or soysauce water! Those observant among you may notice the soup is a little murkier than before. Well I forgot to ask for less fat (My one and only way of trying to not get too fat this month), and to be honest it didn't really make the flavour any better so i will stick to my "low" fat ramen from now on.

But the higher fat content didn't exactly slow me down:

No way you are bored of pictures of slightly varied ramen is there???

Still really enjoying the ramen, maybe its not going to be that bad, maybe after 31 days I will be like, "hmm, new blog: 62 days of ramen". Who knows we will have to wait and see. Come back tomorrow for my trip to Osaka and i'll try to find the same shop there to tell you if its any different.

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