I may have not mentioned SOFTBANK (I'm not shouting ust thats's their name) before, but I think I would remember if I had, and you most certainly would. This is because I hate them, they are a phone company and they also supply my internet. I feel there are many things I dislike or even hate in Japan, Some have a good reason and some don't. I feel that my hatered of SOFTBANK has the most legitimate reason.
First an introduction:
No caption needed.
I hear you, what's not to love? They have a talking dog who is the father of the family, they have a black son in law and in this advert they also have the legendary Tommy Lee Jones. And I totally agree with you, the Adverts are some of the best, I love them and the dog is awesome. In fact I have a fair amount of SOFTBANK paraphernalia. One thing must be said for SOFTBANK, they know what is cute and that people like cute.
All is good so far. Also, they are one of the only companies with English speaking staff and if none of their staff speak english they have a phone number for you to call. Add that to the fact they have not only a gaijin but a black gaijin in their advert they seem like quite a forward thinking and foreigner friendly company.
They are by no means as overtly bad as ANA
And they are, until it comes time to renew your contract or buy one with less than 2 years on your visa, as I did last September. That is to say that for gaijin to get a new contract for a phone, as I did when the iPhone 5S came out, you are required to have a minimum of 26 months left on your visa. That is on a 24 month contract. They expect 2 months longer than the contract is for! There is no option of changing it to a year contract, or opting to pay more each month. The only option is paying flat out for your phone or no phone.
If this were industry standard I would still take issue with it, but it would be easier to accept. However, when I went to their rival company, AU, I expected the same thing however all they required was 90 days left on your visa. They spoke no English and have no foreigners in their adverts, but this really is a situation where action speaks louder than words.
It was fairly apparent to me that SOFTBANK had a very clear "We don't trust foreigners" attitude
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Not quite so cute now is he? |
Anyway, I only bring this up because today I had to go about getting my internet turned off before I leave. This has nothing to do with me being a gaijin but I felt I should explain the legitimacy of hating this company. And now I can add to the list that they inconvenienced my Japanese mother and I for more than 2 hours today just trying to arrange the cancelation of a service I have had for 3 years. It was very frustrating, but Torii-sensei took it all in her stride and just laughed that it was an interesting experience. I owe her so much.
Anyway, that was a much longer explanation than needed. However, it does give a slight insight into one of the reasons I can't foresee a future for me in Japan. I love Japan, and nearly everyone I meet is lovely and kind and friendly, I have made amazing friends here and I will be returning in the future (If for nothing else, so I can get some real ramen!). However, there is always an awareness of ones otherness, the fact that we aren't Japanese, that we are thought to be intrinsically different. Also, the fact that there is very little recompense for such behaviour by companies.
Japan will always be another home for me, but unfortunately, I would never be able to feel truly at home here. That being said I will be leaving a piece of my heart here, I know I will, and I know there will always be a strange incomplete feeling I get knowing that it is out there.
Maybe if I am lucky, one day a lone adventurer will find it and it will help them on their quest. Like this guy.
Moving on, I have my 3rd Goodbye Enkai tonight with my evening class students, this one I'm going to have to make a small speech in Japanese to everyone. Wish me luck, I'll update tomorrow with how it went, hopefully there won't be any embarrassing mistakes of language like the time I told a guy I hated his painting when I meant to say it was beautiful. Sigh......
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