Saturday, 30 November 2013

Day 14: Boxersize is not jumping in and out of boxes!

Here we are (Well I am here, you shouldn't be right now, I didn't let you in my apartment). Late on a Friday night. An alcohol free Friday night I might add. And instead of falling asleep, like I feel i should and did last week, I am writing this blog post. Boom! Productive.

Today I succeeded in getting up for my run. already doing better than yesterday! Then I went on my run (I know, you expected something else but no luck). I finally got the audiobook onto my iphone and listened to World War Z while I ran. I was initially dubious, music has rhythm and a beat you can run to but as you see I did just as good as before while listening to the book.

Something, something, witty comment about this boring picture

While there is no beat the story itself is engrossing which gives me a different benefit to the beat. While before I couldn't really stop thinking about what I am doing I could just let my body go and pay attention to the story. I think that it is also a bout keeping it interesting, so when the book gets repetitive I will go back to music and so on. 

Then, off to work. I learnt a very apt and interesting Japanese phrase today "こころここにあらず" (kokoro koko ni arazu) Kokoro- heart/mind, koko- here, ni- location particle, arazu- to not be. Literally, "My mind is not here" or as we would say "I have mentally checked out". This is what has happened with today being 14 days till I board a flight home for the first time in 2.5 years! I just can't wait, work is just washing over me.

At least it isn't a ramen picture

Friday is my exciting lunch day, so I went to the Japanese lunch place I have talked about before. I got green tea, some kind of fish, fried tofu (Never thought i would opt for tofu!), miso soup, pumpkin and 肉じゃが(Niku-jaga) 肉- meat じゃが-Potato, so it is japanese meat and potatoes, DELICIOUS. I am genuinely worried I will get rice cravings when I am at home, I ate half of this without adding anything for flavour!

After school I headed to the gym, did my usual work out, managed to up some weights and stuff (I won't bore you with details, I would put money on no one giving a damn about them). It was good, other than the students getting in the way and of course just chatting/ playing with the weights seeing if their friend can take a dumbell on their groin (he couldn't).

After all that I remembered boxfit, I still had a 3rd work out to do! Damn my inability to say no. I headed to Sukiya (Rice bowl topped with beef, onions and other toppings), but I had to rush my dinner to get to boxfit on time.

Like seriously, it's not a ramen pic!

For anyone who didn't read my post about eating ramen just before karate, stuffing your face then jumping about isn't good. Boxfit is no different! I felt rather sick the whole time! (Unfortunately I can only blame myself)

Boxfit, it turns out, is not about jumping into (and out of) boxes. No, it is a room full of older Japanese women, and one of my older Japanese male friends. Following the instructions of a man, who (and this is complete conjecture) has never boxed or been in a fight in his life, for an hour. Unfortunately it was not for me, I would honestly rather just go for a run and do "real" fighting in karate, but it was amusing none the less, a great experience. 

No dramatisation, these diagrams are all to scale!

For obvious reasons I took no pictures but I was comically oversized, not only because I was a head taller than anyone else but also my limbs are much, much longer than anyone else's. There was also a slight thrusting in the groin region at some point and lots of, what I imagine in a real fight would be ineffective, kicking. There was also a lot of Jazz hands. The above diagrams show all of these as best as I could represent them. 

So thats my day of 3 work outs done, off to bed now, I have to climb a mountain tomorrow. (Nothing metaphorical here, a real literally mountain)

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly the Japanese traditional healthy dishes I need (or like).
    I used to cook these dishes for my family...but now...
    I like your drawing. Very funny!!!
