Friday, 1 November 2013

Day 19: My Golden Crown

As I explained before, on Fridays I don't order the school lunches, instead I go out for a Friday "treat". I thought today I would go to one of my favourite food places in Japan. This is Sukiya, I see it as the Japanese equivalent of McDonalds.

They already have the primary colour thing down!
If McDonalds has the golden arches then Sukiya has the ruby bowl. I would like to take this moment to air something that royally pisses me off. Let me first say that I think that McDonalds is awful, but more to the point "golden arches"? GOLDEN ARCHES??? It is a bloody yellow M, it is no more a golden set of arches than my yellow earthquake helmet is a golden crown!

When the terra firma starts its vibrations I don my golden crown to guard
 my cranium form the gravity pulled rock rain

All that aside I really do think that McDonalds is a pile of awful for you tasteless crap (This is coming from a guy who has eaten salty noodle soup for the last 19 days). Especially compared to Sukiya, which is both better for you (a bit) and more delicious. Sukiya is 牛丼 (Gyuu-don, Beef-Bowl) It is thin strips of beef, I think stewed, with onions and stock on top of a bowl of rice with a choice of different toppings. 

Of course cute drawings, nothing in Japan is complete without cute cartoons!

Just like McDonlalds, lots of small variations on the same thing. But it truly is delicious and as I said it is a bit better for you. Firstly rather than bread that lasts a lifetime you get freshly cooked white rice and then you get beef (I am sure it has plenty of preservatives in it though) and then any of the toppings you wish. I have 2 favourites; the 3 cheese bowl which I add spicy sauce to or the spicy fish egg mayo bowl. (Seriously, it is so much better than it sounds)

I'm not even kidding, if you serve this to drunk people they will love it, actually they do, it's open 24/7

I would like you to note something, look at the 4th and 5th prices for each bowl. They charge the same price for a medium and a large bowl. This is because they only add extra rice not meat and in Japan they don't want to promote either obesity or wastefulness, so this way you only get the bigger size if you can take it (Sounds like a challenge to me). Wouldn't work in the west, we would always take the large to get our "Money's worth" even if we couldn't eat it. 

Anyway its bloody delicious.

Also, getting a salad with it doesn't seem like a joke here! (Just like this caption; no joke)
Later for dinner I got the 焼肉 side dish with my ramen (Yaki-niku, litterally cooked with heat-meat, Japanese doesn't distinguish bake, grill, fry etc. think about it, it is very specific, no?). Because  I got a plate of fried meat for my side I thought i would just get the plain ramen with no frills. I was a little disappointed as the meat in my ramen was a bit gristly, also my soup had a weird spiciness that it never had before. Other than that I would have actually enjoyed it. However the more I become a "connoisseur" of this shop the pickier I get I am sure.

Complains about the meat being gristly and not tasting right, still eats it all
12 days left! Tomorrow I will eat camel! Excited.


  1. Thanks for not telling me this post was about Sukiya. Came to read a pleasant blog post, instead got tantilizing pictures of Sukiya :(

  2. It wasn't as good as usual though, does that help
