Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Day 24: The Cutest Thing in The World!

I have an apology to make, there will be not blogging about cold ramen today, I did what I always do with Japanese, I assumed I didn't know what it meant so ignored it. However, if you look at the picture below you will see  in the blue circle there are some Kanji (Japanese characters), they say that the cold ramen is only available during the summer! Sad times, both for you and for me hoping for some variety.

Disappointment no 2. No shiny bowl to eat out of!
So to deal with my disappointment I decided to get the chashyuu-men, the extra meat ramen and my typical gyouza. Delicious! However, I had actually decided to go for a nap after school with no alarm (Always a good idea) which had left me 45 mins to get to ramen, eat ramen and then get to karate. I forced myself to utilise the power of the slurp to cool the noodles so I could eat the whole bowl and gyouza in 10 mins and get to karate on time! BOOM

These are getting a little dull, so from now on, every day I'll use a different effect. ARTSY!
Forcing yourself to eat really quickly is just what you want when you have an hour of vigorous movements coming up, no? Oh, and the cherry on the ramen (we can make it happen), is that I got the time wrong for karate and I turned up 15 mins early!

So, I haven't been for 3 weeks. That's always fun, going back after not working out for weeks. I will definitely be feeling it tomorrow. Anyway, enough bitching onto the fun part. So I have discovered that, if you think Japanese kids are the cutest, and they really are (No matter how much my Japanese friends, teachers and students tell me white babies are cuter it's just not true!), then you will think that Japanese kids in karate 道着 (dou-gi, karate uniform) is 10 times cuter!

I have no picture of that for obvious reasons

Well, I thought it couldn't get any cuter. There I am in my 4th week of attending and having gotten used to the cute kids in their tiny karate dougi and then they don their sparring pads and helmets. That's it! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen, it is ten times cuter than that Gif (I like typing that word, cause there is no debate that follows about how it is pronounced when you type it) of the bunny in an office falling asleep, you know the one I mean, this one:

I have no picture of the kids for obvious reasons
Today was the first day I had my own sparring pads, which meant I got to do some sparing. This was very exciting for me, I had watched the other adults spar for a few weeks and hadn't yet got a chance, it was also the first time I have ever owned a cup (Pretty sure that is the sign of becoming a grown up).

OH MY GOD, HE WASTED AWAY! Oh wait he cant have he is eating ramen everyday
Then the cuteness ended. The sparring began and I teamed up with another novice, and I don't really understand most of the Japanese so I just watch the others so I was a bit slow, my partner understood and was slow too. So far so good. Then I was teamed up with an orange belt. For those of you who don't know, belts in karate change colour related to your level, so we all know black it's bad ass, orange is like a level 2 rookie and white, well white means you could kick Bruce Lee in the face.

The next big thing on the internet: oversized karate dougi selfies
Wait, wait, wait, that cant be right, oh yeah. White means you are everybody's bitch. The orange belt just let rip, I wasn't really expecting it and he just kept on punching and kicking me. I knew I had to retaliate but I felt bad, he was literally half my height, oh yeah forgot to mention, he was 12. I was getting repeatedly punched and kicked by a 12 year old and I didn't know what to do, a misplaced or overpowered punch/kick could have really hurt him but I didn't wanna just stand there and take it. In the end I just stood there and took it. 

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will have less 12 year olds beating me up! But of course there will always be ramen!

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